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Extension of temporary residence for those who have been granted visa exemption certificates


Immigration Department, Ministry of Public Security.

Partially online service.

+ In person: submit the application directly at the headquarters of the Immigration Department.

+ Online: submit an online application via the National Public Service Portal or the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security.

+ Postal service: submit additional documents via public postal service according to the announcement of the Immigration Department on the National Public Service Portal or the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security (if any).

Step 1: Prepare dossier according to the provisions of the law.

Step 2: Submit your application at office hours on working days of the week at one of the two headquarters of the Immigration Department - Ministry of Public Security:

+ No 44-46 Tran Phu street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi city.

+ No 333-335-337 Nguyen Trai Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

Or submit an online application through the National Public Service Portal or the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security and send additional documents via the public postal service according to the notice of the Immigration Department on the National Service Portal or Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security (if any).

* Dossier receiving officer shall check the legality and content of dossiers:

+ If the application is complete and valid, the application will be received, print and issue an appointment letter; request payment, fee collectors receive the money, hand over the receipt to applicants or notify on the National Public Service Portal or the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security for applicants to pay online and receive electronic receipts.

+ If the dossier is incompletet or invalid, dossier receiving officer shall provide instructions or notify on the National Public Service Portal or the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security for the applicant to complete the dossier.

+ In case the dossier is not eligible, the dossier shall be refused, reply in writing or notify on the National Public Service Portal or the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security , clearly stating the reason.

* In case of online application, the applicant for extension of temporary residence can request to receive the results by postal service and must pay the delivery fee.

* Time to receive dossiers: From Monday to Saturday morning (except New Year's Day, public holidays).

Step 3: Return the result:

+ The person who comes to receive the results will directly receive the results at the Immigration Department; When applicants come to receive the results, bring an appointment letter, identification documents for confirmation and comparison. In case of request to receive results via postal service, follow the instructions of the postal service provider.

+ In case of disapproval of the extension of temporary residence, reply in writing or notify on the National Public Service Portal or the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security, clearly stating the reason.

+ Time to return results : From Monday to Friday every week (except New Year's Day and public holidays).

No more than 05 working days from the date of receiving complete dossiers.

10 USD/time


* Contents:

+ Passport or valid international travel document or permanent residence permit issued by a foreign competent authority for overseas Vietnamese.

+ 01 application form for visa and temporary residence extension (Form NA 5).

+ 01 recent photo, size 4cm x 6cm, white background, face straight, bare head, no colored glasses.

+ Visa exemption certificate.

In case of online application, passports or papers valid for international travel or permanent residence permits issued by competent foreign agencies to overseas Vietnamese must be sent through a Vietnamese translation service. public postal service to the receiving agency; Other components of the dossier must be authenticated electronically according to regulations. If not, the application shall be sent to the receiving agency through the public-utility postal service.

+ Passport or valid international travel document that is valid for at least 1 year .

+ Persons entering Vietnam with a visa exemption certificate are guaranteed by an agency, organization or individual in Vietnam and have a legitimate reason.

+ Not falling into the cases where entry is not allowed and exit is temporarily suspended according to the provisions of Articles 21 and 28 of the Law on Foreigners’ entry into, exit from, transit through and residence in Vietnam.

+ Law on Foreigners’ entry into, exit from, transit through and residence in Vietnam (Law No. 47/2014/QH13 dated June 16, 2014); was amended and supplemented in 2019 (Law No. 51/2019/QH14 dated November 25, 2019).

+ Decree No. 82/2015/ND-CP dated September 24, 2015 of the Government providing for visa exemption for Vietnamese residing abroad and foreigners who are spouses and children of Vietnamese people residing abroad or of Vietnamese citizens .

+ Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BCA dated January 5, 2015 of the Ministry of Public Security regulating the form of documents related to the entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam.

+ Circular No. 25/2021/TT-BTC dated April 7, 2021 of the Ministry of Finance regulating the collection, payment, management and use of fees and charges in the field of exit, entry, transit and residence in Vietnam.

Sample files:

  • Application form for visa and temporary residence extension (Form NA5). Download

Temporary residence extension (not more than 06 months) .