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The Ministry of Public Security wishes to receive feedbacks and recommendations from individuals and organizations on administrative regulations according to the following contents:

- Specific problems in the implementation of administrative regulations due to delayed, troublesome acts or failure to comply with administrative regulations of the People's Public Security agencies, officers and soldiers such as: refuse to perform, prolong the execution time of administrative procedures; arbitrarily requesting, supplementing or placing additional dossiers and papers in addition to the provisions of law; harass, cause trouble, push responsibility; failure to publicly and transparently list administrative procedures or incompletely publicize administrative procedures at the place where administrative procedures are settled; Publicly posted administrative procedures have expired or are contrary to the contents of administrative procedures posted on the National Database of Administrative Procedures.

- Administrative regulations do not match reality; asynchronous, lack of consistency; illegal or contrary to international treaties to which Vietnam has signed or acceded; other issues related to administrative regulations.

- Propose a plan to handle the above complaints or take the initiative to issue new administrative regulations related to business activities and people's life.

Feedback and recommendations can be sent or contacted at the following address:

- Name of the receiving agency: Department of Legal and Administrative and Judicial Reform - Ministry of Public Security

- Contact address: No. 92 Nguyen Du, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi.

- Dedicated phone number: 069.2342865

- Email address:


- Reflections and recommendations must use Vietnamese language; clearly state the contents of the complaints and suggestions.

- Specify the name, address, phone number (or mailing address) of the individual or organization that has the feedback or recommendation.