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The Ministry of Public Security promulgates new administrative procedures in the field of import and export management


Accordingly, the Ministry of Public Security issued two new administrative procedures: declaration of temporary residence for foreigners in Vietnam via the website; Declare temporary residence for foreigners in Vietnam with temporary residence declaration form; at the same time, cancel and abrogate 3 administrative procedures in the field of immigration management, including: Declaration of temporary residence for foreigners of hotel accommodation establishments with the provincial police via computer network; Declare temporary residence for foreigners of accommodation establishments other than hotels to the Provincial Police; Declare temporary residence for foreigners in Vietnam at the commune-level police station.

The specific content of each newly issued administrative procedure is guided in detail on the order of implementation; how to perform; composition, number of records; settlement time; implementation object; Implementing agencies; result; fees; name of application form, declaration form; requirements, conditions for carrying out administrative procedures and legal grounds.

This Decision takes effect from February 15, 2017. The newly-issued administrative procedures mentioned above are posted in the category of Administrative Procedures on the website of the Ministry of Public Security. Please visit to see the detailed content.

Minh Long